Wills: Giving You Peace of Mind
Do you know that feeling when you procrastinate in getting a project done? It gets harder and harder to start that task with each passing day, doesn’t it? Have you procrastinated in getting your will done? Your will is probably the most important project you take on in your life. As a personal injury firm, we see families every week that have lost a loved one – and there is no will in place. We want to help you get this task done so you can relax and know that your family is going to be okay in the event of your passing.
The Importance of Creating a Will
We understand thinking about a will can bring put you on an emotional roller-coaster:
- You are forced to think about your death;
- You might feel scared and worried for your family;
- You might experience a sense of dread for putting your will off until later;
- You might not know where to start or what to do.
Are you experiencing any or all of these feelings? It is not easy to think about death and dying. We understand that. But we believe that planning for your death is the most positive step that you can take not only for yourself, but for your family as well.
So What Do I Do Next?
We invite you to contact the Gertler Law Firm. You might feel that drafting a will, a living will, or a trust for your disabled child – whatever your situation—is an extremely daunting task. That is why we are here…to make your planning process as painless as possible. We have an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau, so you can rest assured that our attorneys and staff will take care of you with professionalism and unparalleled experience.
Your stress will be lessened when you know you have an advocate and legal expert looking out for your well-being. We would feel privileged to be a part of planning for your future. Won’t you contact us for a free consultation today so you can begin to have a sense of peace and security? Our caring and compassionate attorneys and staff are here for you. Call us at 504-581-6411 or 1-877-581-6411, or email us at info@gertlerfirm.com today. We look forward to hearing from you soon.